
Best practices to increase colleagues' involvement in corporate videos

In this article, we'll show you how to get more employees to participate in company videos.

Oliver Wegner
Oliver Wegner
Reading time:
4 min.

The use of videos as part of corporate communications has increased significantly in recent years. Corporate videos can be used for employee onboarding, training, C-level communication, product updates, and much more. However, it can be a challenge to find enough employees who want to volunteer to produce these videos.

However, a high level of participation of colleagues in corporate videos can be of great importance to increase the trust and credibility of the company. A high level of participation is also crucial in order to be able to implement many projects in the first place. So how can companies ensure that their employees are ready to participate in corporate videos?

In this blog article, we present best practices for increasing colleagues' participation in corporate videos.

Invite colleagues individually to videos

Even though it is complex, inviting the desired employees individually helps enormously for participation in videos. If a call for participation is sent as a newsletter or posted to a Slack group, it's easy that no one feels addressed directly and the message gets lost. Through individual messages, employees feel personally obliged to answer. It is crucial to get a clear commitment to the video from colleagues. If an answer remains inaccurate, there is a high probability that the order will be forgotten.

Make it clear why the video is important

The “GSU” rule applies here. It should be clear to your colleagues:

  • What is the goal The video is (Goal)
  • What benefits Can arise from the video or which problem is solved (Stakes)
  • Why The video just now now Must be produced (Urgency)

If these three questions are answered and linked to the personal goals of the desired participant, most colleagues can be convinced to participate in the video. For example, when trying to get a CEO to participate, it makes sense to think in terms of his metrics. That means you should ask yourself what the overall benefits of the video are for the company and how it increases either sales, productivity, or brand recognition.

Give your colleagues enough time

The fact that most employees are busy often causes them to postpone recordings. It is therefore crucial to plan enough time in advance for recordings. In this way, employees can adjust to the assignment and prepare for it in peace. Depending on the length of the desired video, you should always plan at least one week in advance. This leaves enough time if recordings need to be repeated. Of course, there are videos that must be recorded within a very specific period of time (e.g. impressions at an event), but here too, it is important to inform those involved about the task as early as possible.


Give enough help

It should always be kept in mind that many colleagues have little experience in front of the camera. For this reason, adequate assistance should always be provided. If colleagues feel left alone, it happens that they do not carry out the video assignments. Clear stage instructions must therefore be given as to what needs to be said and what the recording should look like. At the same time, tips should be given on how to create a video of the highest possible quality.

You can find more tips for a successful recording over here

cofenster helps to activate colleagues

With software such as Cofonster, it is easy to let employees participate in videos and motivate them to participate. With our sharing function, it is possible to send video to-dos to all colleagues in the company. Regardless of whether they are working from home or at the other end of the world. Everyone can be addressed personally. Stage instructions, recording tips and other assistance can simply be written into the to-dos and appear next to the corresponding video. And in post-production, all videos can be edited without previous knowledge and brought into the corporate design with templates at the click of a mouse. With cofenster, corporate videos can be produced in a very short time.

Noch mehr Tipps für eine gelungene Videoerstellung?

Dann hol dir jetzt Zugang zum On-demand Webinar "Employee Generated Videos: Die besten Hacks für selbsterstellte Aufnahmen!".

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Oliver Wegner
Oliver Wegner
Oliver Wegner ist Co-Founder und Chief Product Officer bei cofenster. Als visionärer Produktstratege treibt er die Entwicklung innovativer Videolösungen voran, die Marken dabei unterstützen, authentisch zu kommunizieren.

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