Less complexity in internal communication through videos
In diesem Artikel geht es darum, wie Videos die Unternehmenskommunikation vereinfachen.

Building companies today is becoming increasingly complex. The reasons for this include various structures of parent and subsidiary companies, global distribution across several locations, or hybrid working models. With the increasing complexity of corporate structures, there is also an increasing complexity of internal communication. Increasing numbers of stakeholders must be coordinated and provided with correct, up-to-date and consistent information at the right time. As a result, operating efficient internal communication quickly becomes a mammoth task.
It is therefore not surprising that the reduction of complexity, especially in cross-location communication, is one of the Main goals of internal communication 2023 is. Employee generated videos have proven to be an excellent means of achieving this goal. That is why they too are among the Trends 2023 in IK.
In this article, we explain various reasons why videos are so suitable for reducing complexity and supporting cross-site communication.
Videos convey information in an appealing way
In order to reduce the complexity of internal communication, many companies are establishing a”Newsroom“in their communication structure. This central structure is considered a “single source of truth” and provides the rest of the company with up-to-date information. This avoids duplication and contradictions. Using videos to distribute newsroom information has two benefits:
1. Audiovisuality
The audiovisuality of the medium makes the information provided better processed and understood by employees.
2. Attention
Videos get to the point of information more concisely, which keeps the audience's attention longer.
If a video is also hosted centrally and distributed only through sharing links, internal communication is not only easier, but also more efficient. The amount of data that has to be sent is significantly reduced, which means that there are no delays due to data transfers.
Videos bring employees together
In addition to securing information flows, cooperation across all locations must also be strengthened to ensure employee motivation and productivity. Bring here too Employee Generated Videos (EGVs) advantages include:
1. Emotional impact
EGVs are appealing and authentic and thus increase engagement. Real feelings from colleagues in videos bring employees together.
2. Asynchrony
Information is easier to collect and retrieve because videos can be viewed and recorded anywhere.
cofenster helps with cross-site communication
With the cofenster software, videos become part of corporate communication in a very short time. Users are guided through the entire production process by our intuitive software. The appropriate template for the video can be selected from a variety of use cases and screenplays. Be it for C-level statements or team updates. Video orders can be sent with to-do links and processed immediately using the webcam or smartphone. With just a few clicks, the individual videos can be edited together and subtitled. And all finished videos can be sent directly via our sharing function as a link or embedded into a website. With cofenster, it is possible to produce videos for internal communication in a very short time and without any previous knowledge.
Willst du mehr über Videos in der IK erfahren?
Dann sichere dir jetzt Zugang zu unserem On-demand Webinar "Employee Generated Content: Vom Risiko zur Chance in der internen Kommunikation"
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