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Von Unternehmen verwendet, die Authentizität groß schreiben

Warum unsere Kundencofenster nutzen

“cofenster has helped to bring TUI's employer brand to life

The ability to quickly produce authentic videos has not only enabled us to position our employer brand in an attractive and accessible way, but also to make our video communication on various channels much more consistent."

Mimi Carlotta Rietzel
Manager Executive Hiring & Talent Acquisition Projects
Mimi Carlotta Rietzel

"cofenster has helped to improve our global video communication,

by enabling us to quickly incorporate new perspectives with its video collection function. With cofenster, we can make our intranet livelier and offer our employees varied content."


Junior Manager Internal Communications & Employer Branding

"cofenster has simplified and scaled our video communication

by enabling us to quickly and intuitively create uniform videos in our corporate design. It connects international teams effectively and brings measurable added value to our corporate culture."

Markus Wasch
Communication Manager (Corporate Communication)
Markus Wasch

"cofenster gives us the freedom to produce authentic videos independently and according to our own schedule.

Das macht uns gleichzeitig auch unabhängig von Produktionsagenturen oder komplizierten Schnittprogrammen."

Hartung Alexandre, Kerstin
Head of Marketing & Communications EMEA
Hartung Alexandre, Kerstin

"With cofenster, we are able to communicate authentically and reach our employees

and thus raise our internal communication to a new level."

Simone Teufel
Head of Corporate Communications
Simone Teufel
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