cofenster video

Video job ad

Video Styles
  • Interview
Video Goals
  • Hire top-talents
cofenster Features involved
  • Animated text Weglot
Link to original video source

How this video template can solve your communication problem

How can a company bring attention to an attractive vacancy?
A video can say much more, even between the lines, than a boring text-based job posting. Let the future team have their say, too, to directly show the working environment of the open position.

cofenster Tip

Considering posting the video on external media? Then think about using some movement in the video since this is more interesting for the viewer and stops them from scrolling through their feed.

Storyboard preview

Video job ad

Scene 1

Video Upload: Introduce yourself, tell what your position is at your company and what position your company is looking for.

Scene 2

Video Upload: Roughly describe what duties the new employee will be expected to handle in your company in the advertised position.

Scene 3

Video Upload: Briefly explain the company's mission and vision.

Scene 4

Video Upload: Invite viewers to apply for the job being advertised.



Try it out yourself and start creating videos that
reflect your company's DNA

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