cofenster video
Hubert Burda Media

We welcome all new cofenstis!

Video Styles
  • Vlog
  • Impressions
Video Goals
  • Hire top-talents
  • Strengthen employer brand
cofenster Features involved
  • Animated text Weglot
Link to original video source

How this video template can solve your communication problem

When new employees join the company, it should be celebrated! Companies can show how proud they are of their employees by creating a video together. Each new team member can be shown or even interviewed.

cofenster Tip

For videos in which there is no one talking but only music, try to fit the music to the energize-level of the impressions. This way you find the music that fits best.

Storyboard preview

We welcome all new cofenstis!

Scene 1

Image Upload: Welcome all new employees of your company and begin the video with a title image.

Scene 2

Video Upload: Request the new employee to have some fun motion infront of the camera. For example dancing, waving or even something more creative.

Scene 3

Video Upload: Flash a question in a text element to a new employee and have them answer it.

Scene 4

Video Upload: Flash a question in a text element to a new employee and have them answer it.



Try it out yourself and start creating videos that
reflect your company's DNA

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