cofenster video

C-level-statement hybrid work

Video Styles
  • Interview
Video Goals
  • Wissenstransfer fördern
  • Veränderung kommunizieren
cofenster Features involved
  • Automated subtitles Weglot
  • Self-recording Weglot
Link to original video source

How this video template can solve your communication problem

When a company is about to make significant changes, the C-level statement is a popular video format for announcing or explaining them.
It creates transparency and closeness to the executive level. Employees feel more supported and, in case of doubt, understand the change better.

cofenster Tip

Avoid asking questions too openly in your video assignments. Otherwise, your often colleagues won't know what to answer or will miss the point with their answer.

Storyboard preview

C-level-statement hybrid work

Scene 1

Image Upload: Start the video with a title image that once again summarizes the topic of the statement.

Scene 2

Video Upload: Explain in a short opening sentence what the statement is about and what the viewer can expect.

Scene 3

Video Upload: Reinforce what is being said with different text elements to guide the audience through the update in a well-structured way.

Scene 4



Try it out yourself and start creating videos that
reflect your company's DNA

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