cofenster video
PIA Automations

Corporate Influencer event announcement

Video Styles
  • Interview
Video Goals
  • Improve onboarding
cofenster Features involved
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Link to original video source

How this video template can solve your communication problem

As an employer, it is beneficial to showcase your brand and company at trade fairs. Setting up your own booth not only ensures high visibility at the event but also allows you to generate awareness through pre-event communication on external platforms. Enhancing the presence of your employees and establishing them as corporate influencers who will be attending by sharing videos in advance creates a strong recognition factor for trade show visitors, increasing the likelihood of attracting them to your booth. Secondly employees recognize their colleagues faces on social media and start bonding more with them and the company.

cofenster Tip

Avoid asking questions too openly in your video assignments. Otherwise, your often colleagues won't know what to answer or will miss the point with their answer."

Storyboard preview

Corporate Influencer event announcement

Scene 1

Video Upload: Introduce yourself to the viewers and explain the purpose of the video

Scene 2

Video Upload: Address why the company is attending this event and where the booth can be found

Scene 3

Video Upload: Finish the video with a creative ending. For example, leave the room and close the door

Scene 4



Try it out yourself and start creating videos that
reflect your company's DNA

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