cofenster video

Cultural onboarding for newbies

Video Styles
  • Vlog
  • Impressions
Video Goals
  • Strengthen employer brand
cofenster Features involved
  • Automated subtitles Weglot
  • Animated text Weglot
  • Self-recording Weglot
Link to original video source

How this video template can solve your communication problem

In the first few weeks, new employees are usually overwhelmed by the flood of new information. It is therefore a great relief if information can also be viewed and re-watched asynchronously. Videos like this can also be used externally to show how work is done in the respective company.

cofenster Tip

To give a higher emphasis on spoken words it is usefull to balance between audio and music scenes.

Storyboard preview

Cultural onboarding for newbies

Scene 1

Video Upload: Start the video with an introduction and welcome the new team member.

Scene 2

Animated text: Subdivide the video using animated text elements that show which category is next.

Scene 3

Video Upload: Use now video footage matching the category. No sound is needed here.

Scene 4



Try it out yourself and start creating videos that
reflect your company's DNA

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