cofenster video
Hubert Burda Media

Event impressions of the last BayFiD

Video Styles
  • Impressions
Video Goals
  • Improve onboarding
cofenster Features involved
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How this video template can solve your communication problem

Capturing an internal event is a great way to visualize a company's efforts. It shows how much importance the company sets on coming together to discuss subjects, to train or simply to celebrate success. Without showing sensitive content, such a video is very well suited for employer branding purposes.

cofenster Tip

For videos in which there is no one talking but only music, try to fit the music to the energize-level of the impressions. This way you find the music that fits best.

Storyboard preview

Event impressions of the last BayFiD

Scene 1

Video Upload: Show as much content from the event as possible. It is very simple to work without sound.

Scene 2

Video Upload: Next, integrate people listening to a lecture or participating in a workshop.

Scene 3

Video Upload: You can also feature voices describing the event or telling what they learned there.

Scene 4



Try it out yourself and start creating videos that
reflect your company's DNA

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