cofenster video

First aid training with our colleague Marco

Video Styles
  • Vlog
Video Goals
  • Wissenstransfer fördern
  • Veränderung kommunizieren
cofenster Features involved
  • Animated text Weglot
Link to original video source

How this video template can solve your communication problem

To avoid employees feeling lost and overwhelmed by changes, it is important to communicate these regularly in the company for all to see and understand.

Regular update videos on the latest developments are perfect for this.

cofenster Tip

The same shot over a long period of time can quickly become boring. Rather cut different footage and shots of the protagonist together, or use different shooting angles to make the video more dynamic.

Storyboard preview

First aid training with our colleague Marco

Scene 1

Video Upload: Explain in a few words with a video or animated text what update the video will be about.

Scene 2

Video Upload: A colleague explains in a few words what has changed and what impact this change will have on the company's processes.

Scene 3

Video Upload: Illustrate the real-world impact of the change, using a recording that shows the change. A screen recording is also possible.

Scene 4

Video Upload: Summarize the results of the change and show openness to questions and concerns from colleagues.



Try it out yourself and start creating videos that
reflect your company's DNA

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