cofenster video

How do you feel appreciated at work? We asked our colleagues

Video Styles
  • Group video
Video Goals
  • Improve onboarding
  • Build a company culture
cofenster Features involved
  • Automated subtitles Weglot
Link to original video source

How this video template can solve your communication problem

Both the employer brand and the corporate culture are strengthened when the human side of employees is highlighted.

With the help of this video format, thoughts and feelings can be revealed, building an emotional connection and bringing people closer together.

cofenster Tip

Make sure to exactly explain to all colleagues involved in the project, how you envision the video and give them enough time to record it.

Storyboard preview

How do you feel appreciated at work? We asked our colleagues

Scene 1

Video Upload: Make the central topic of the video obvious (here 'appreciation') in a video or animated text.

Scene 2

Video Upload: Upload a video here in which a colleague briefly explains their view on the topic.

Scene 3

Video Upload: Upload a video here in which a colleague briefly explains their view on the topic.

Scene 4

Video Upload: Upload a video here in which a colleague briefly explains their view on the topic.



Try it out yourself and start creating videos that
reflect your company's DNA

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