cofenster video
Hubert Burda Media

Insight into the practice - Interview with a colleague

Video Styles
  • Interview
  • Vlog
Video Goals
  • Hire top-talents
  • Strengthen employer brand
cofenster Features involved
  • Automated subtitles Weglot
  • Animated text Weglot
Link to original video source

How this video template can solve your communication problem

A video like this attracts top talent as it provides them with insights into the practical work within the company and the opportunity to learn from an experienced colleague.
Additionally, it strengthens the employer brand by showcasing an open and transparent culture where employees share and support each other's experiences.

cofenster Tip

Avoid asking questions too openly in your video assignments. Otherwise your colleagues won't know what to answer or will miss the point with their answer.

Storyboard preview

Insight into the practice - Interview with a colleague

Scene 1

Video Upload: Show the professional surroundings of the employee by following her around in the office.

Scene 2

Animated text: Start the interview with an easy introductory question, that you can display with a animated text first.

Scene 3

Video Upload: The colleague answers the short introductory question and introduces herself to the audience.

Scene 4

Animated text: Ask another question that refers to the colleague's daily work routine.



Try it out yourself and start creating videos that
reflect your company's DNA

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