cofenster video

Introducing our new colleague Caro

Video Styles
  • Interview
Video Goals
  • Connect employees
  • Build a company culture
cofenster Features involved
  • Automated subtitles Weglot
Link to original video source

How this video template can solve your communication problem

A video like this strengthens team cohesion by allowing Caro to introduce herself to the team, fostering a sense of connection and familiarity among colleagues.

It also contributes to building an inclusive company culture by showcasing the company's welcoming and supportive environment, where new team members are celebrated and integrated.

cofenster Tip

Avoid asking questions too openly in your video assignments. Otherwise, your often colleagues won't know what to answer or will miss the point with their answer.

Storyboard preview

Introducing our new colleague Caro

Scene 1

Image Upload: Start the video with a title image that summarizes the topic of the video.

Scene 2

Video Upload: The new team member introduces himself or herself with a short sentence and tells in which team he or she now works.

Scene 3

Video Upload: The new team member explains his or her own professional career in two short sentences.

Scene 4

Video Upload: To get a direct feeling for the new team member, questions such as "What is important to you in your work?" are very useful.



Try it out yourself and start creating videos that
reflect your company's DNA

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