cofenster video
Hubert Burda Media

Office tour at New Work SE

Video Styles
  • Vlog
Video Goals
  • Hire top-talents
cofenster Features involved
  • Automated subtitles Weglot
Link to original video source

How this video template can solve your communication problem

How people work at a company can be shown very well with an office tour.
This allows people who are interested in working for the company to get a very good idea of what it feels like to go into the office. For top talents, this is often a critical factor.

cofenster Tip

To give a higher emphasis on spoken words it is useful to balance between audio and music scenes.

Storyboard preview

Office tour at New Work SE

Scene 1

Video Upload: Start with a few introductory impressions from the building and the surrounding area.

Scene 2

Video Upload: Briefly explain what the video is about by either having the presenter writing the title of the video on a whiteboard or saying it into the camera.

Scene 3

Video Upload: Show the space in a modern "follow me around" style. Here you accompany the moderating person through the scenes.

Scene 4

Video Upload: If you want to integrate other people into the video, it is very useful to film them at their workplace first and then interview them at a quiet place.



Try it out yourself and start creating videos that
reflect your company's DNA

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