cofenster video
Hubert Burda Media

The day-to-day work of our team

Video Styles
  • Interview
  • Vlog
Video Goals
  • Improve onboarding
  • Wissenstransfer fördern
cofenster Features involved
  • Automated subtitles Weglot
  • Animated text Weglot
Link to original video source

How this video template can solve your communication problem

A video like this strengthens the employer brand by providing an authentic glimpse into the daily work of a team, showcasing a positive and engaging work environment.
Additionally, it promotes knowledge transfer by allowing viewers to learn from the team's experiences and practices, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous learning.

cofenster Tip

Avoid asking questions too openly in your video assignments. Otherwise your colleagues won't know what to answer or will miss the point with their answer.

Storyboard preview

The day-to-day work of our team

Scene 1

Video Upload: Show all team members in a short shot and have them wave or say "hello".

Scene 2

Video Upload: With a colleague in focus: Explain the background of the video and fade in the person's name with a text element.

Scene 3

Video Upload: Start into the interview by having a casual atmosphere opening the scene: The interviewer opens the door and introduces the team's scope of work.

Scene 4

Video Upload: Show a few impressions matching the topic.



Try it out yourself and start creating videos that
reflect your company's DNA

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